Boje Colors

Prilikom odabira boja za enterijer stručnjaci koriste prirodni krug boja. To je jedan od jednostavnijih i praktičnijih načina sistema u radu sa bojama.

When choosing colors for the interior design specialists use natural color wheel. This is one of the simpler and more practical ways of working with the system colors.


primary colour wheel



Za razliku od prirodnog spektra, gde postoje tri osnovne boje: plava, crvena i žuta, ovde je dodata zelena

Unlike natural range, where there are three primary colors: blue, red and yellow, it is added to green.





Osnovne karakteristike boja su mesto koje zauzimaju u krugu, jačina: jarke ili pastelne i  svetle ili tamne.

Basic features of the color that take place in the circle, intensity: bright or pastel and light or dark.



Evo pomoć u traganju za idejama:

Omiljena boja Vam može biti inspiracija za izbor boja u enterijeru, ali isto tako možete naći inspiraciju u omiljenoj slici, u prirodi, omiljenom odevnom ili ličnom predmetu.

Čovek jednostavno može voleti zelenu boju, zbog nekih lepih uspomena. Ona ga mogu odvesti ka tamnozelenim krošnjama i jarkozelenoj travi, sve do sivozelene žalfije i plavozelenog ruzmarina. Ako Vam misli pdu dalje, videćete žad, malahit i smaragd, ili mahovinu i alge, bršljen i bistru vodu jezera.

Here’s help in searching for ideas:

Favorite color you can be an inspiration for the choice of colors on the inside, but also you can find inspiration in a favorite picture, in nature, a favorite garment or personal matter.

The man just can not love the color green, for some good memories. It can take him to the dark green trees and grass jarkozelenoj, to the gray-blue-green sage and rosemary. If you think PDU on, you will see the jade, malachite and emerald or moss and algae, ivy and clear water lakes.




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Na ovaj način možete krenuti “na put“ sa svakom bojom iz spektra.

This way you can go“ on time“ with every color of the spectrum.


Međusoban odnos boja:

Interrelationship color:

Tople i hladne boje su “rođački“ povezane među sobom. Između njih se uspostavlja jedna vrsta monotene harmonije, bez rizika ali i bez naročite privlačnosti.

Warm and cool colors are kindred associated with each other. Between them establishes a kind monotene harmony without risk and without any particular attraction.

Među bojama suprotnih kvadranta u krugu vlada sasvim drugačiji odnos, tople i hladne boje se vrlo dobro dopunjuju. Za uspešno usklađivanje boja u enterijeru postoje tri osnovne kombinacije:

Among the squares of opposite colors within the government quite a different attitude, warm and cool colors are very good complement. For successful color matching the interior there are three main ones:

  • samo jedna boja u svim njenim nijansama, npr. od tamnosmeđe do bež.
  • only one color in all its shades,  for examplefrom dark brown to beige.

238224-stock-photo-nature-tree-wood-brown-lie-natural   Marrones

  • dve boje bliske jedna drugoj, npr. žuta i zelena
  • two colors close to each other, for example. yellow and green











  • dve boje jedna nasuprot druge, npr. žuta i plava ili zelena i crvena
  • two colors opposite each other, for example. yellow and blue or green and red



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Bilo za koju od ove tri harmonije da se odlučite uvek treba poštovati određeni redosled:

  • neutralne boje za velike površine kao što su zidovi, pod, tavanica.
  • srednje tonove za nameštaj, ormani, sofe, stolovi.
  • jači tonovi za detalje kao što su jastučići, keramika, staklo, ramovi, satovi.

Whether for any of these three harmonies that you choose should always respect a certain order:

  • neutral colors for large areas such as walls, floor and ceiling.
  • midtones for furniture, cabinets, sofas, tables.
  • stronger tones of details such as cushions, ceramics, glass, frames, clocks.

Naravno da su mogući i drugačije, smelije kombinacije, koje ostupaju od pravila, ali da bi takvi eksperimenti bili uspešni, potrebni su pre svega prirodan talenat i znanje iz oblasti teorije boja.

Of course they are possible and different, bold combinations, which deviate from the rules, but that such experiments were successful, we need above all, a natural talent and knowledge of color theory.

Crna, bela i siva uvek su tu da svojim neutralnim atributima reše nedoumice kada je reč o bojama u enterijeru.

Black, white and gray are always there to give the neutral attributes resolve doubts regarding the colors in the interior.


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Koja je Vaša omiljena boja? 🙂

What is your favorite color? 🙂

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